I meant to post this on Saturday and then I completely forgot! Seeing as I wrote it, I am going to post it now….
A year ago today (31st May) Justin and I got married! It’s a cliche to say it but it was one of the best days ever! We had a tiny wedding of 25 people. We are so thankful to those who made it a special day by being there and those who were not there, but sent wonderful wishes to us anyway.
A year has flown. In a year we have packed up all our belongings in London, moved to Beijing, I’ve started a new job, Justin has transitioned to working from home, we’ve been to Shanghai and Xi’an, had a belated honeymoon to Burma and Thailand and have spent many hours exploring our new home, Beijing.
A year has gone so fast. But the last 7 years of us being a couple have gone at lightening speed too. When we met I was 22 and had just moved to Korea after a summer working and travelling abroad in the US. We were both ESL teachers then and were placed at the same school. We had an instant connection but, in a strange twist of fate, I was Justin’s replacement teacher and we parted ways after only 8 days. We stayed in almost daily contact and were finally reuntited in South America the following year- we’ve been together ever since! Since then we’ve worked in Venezuela, travelled South America, worked in Korea for a second time, moved to London where Justin got a masters and I got a PGCE, got jobs, changed jobs, visited many European cities, hiked all over England, been to the Caribbean and back to the US, watched Royal weddings and Jubilees, been to the London Olympics, planned a wedding, got married and moved to Beijing! In a few weeks we’ll be spending a big chunk of the summer travelling in China and Indonesia. As a Brit and American who met in Korea, I guess travel is part of who we are! We’ll be in Beijing for at least one more year and then who knows. Maybe we’ll travel more or maybe we’ll return to one of our ‘homes.’
I couldn’t think of a better person to see the world with. Happy First Wedding Anniversary to my Husband!