Hi everyone! I have some exciting personal news today and a bit of info about what is going on with the blog too. What do you want first: blog or personal news? Ok personal news it is!
So the big announcement is…we’re moving again! Can you guess where? Here’s a photo to help…

Yes, we are moving to sunny, Southern California! This move has been a long time in the planning (well officially about 8 months but it’s always been our thought we would like to move there at some point).
As you may know, Justin is a Southern California native so there were no problems with him moving back there. The problem was, of course, me. As we’re married it isn’t too hard for me to move there, but it was a bit of a pain arranging a US Green Card in China! Anyway, I am happy to announce that I have been successful in convincing the USA to give me Permanent Residency. So I am now entitled to live and work in the USA forever if I like! My current job at my International School ends mid-June so we’ll be moving stateside towards the end of June. I can’t wait!

What will we do in the US?
Justin will continue to work from home doing his current job. As for me? I could carry on with teaching Primary School (or Elementary School as they call it over there. See I’m fluent already!). I think my British teaching qualifications can be converted to let me teach in the USA. Or I might try something else for a while and return to teaching later on. I’m just going to decide when I get there and I see what the options are- which is lovely!

What’s going on with the blog?
I haven’t been able to update this blog as much as I’d like, especially in recent months. However, when we move to the US I will have much more free time and so I am planning on upping the frequency of posts (by a lot!) once we move! I’ll still post when I can for our last few months in Beijing so I hope you’ll stick with me until posting becomes more regular again! I’ll continue to write about my ongoing travels and expat life after the move, but I’ll have to change the name of this blog of course. I do have a new name all picked out and this time it IS NOT destination specific! Considering this is the third blog I’ve had, and the 5th country I’ve worked in, I should have known not to pick a name with a city or country in the title!
Anyway, that’s my news! What have you all been up to? I’m seriously behind in my blog reading too so do post a link to something fun for me to read on the internet (your post or someone else’s!).
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