I’m back! Back from what I have now starting calling (to myself…) My Endless Summer. At times this Summer really did feel endless (in an amazing, magical, dream like way of course!). Taking two entirely different trips (Tibetan regions/Western China first and then Indonesia) was a great way to make it feel like summer would last forever.

We did so much and saw so many amazing things over the last couple of months. I’m dying to fill you all in on everything we did and share some of the hundreds of beautiful photos we took, but I’m back in Beijing now and already back at work. The summer travel posts will be coming though, don’t worry! I’ve also got tons of emails and messages I need to reply to (sorry!) and so many posts to read from all my favourite bloggers! And of course, summer holidays are over but summer itself isn’t, so there’s still lots more fun to be had here in Beijing before it begins to get cold. I will get caught up..eventually!
A quick note on what I’m doing now I’m back in Beijing: I’m in my second year of my contract at the International School I teach at. My classroom is all set up and I’m ready for my new class to arrive on Monday. It’s my 5th Year of teaching since I qualified with my PGCE, but, since I taught ESL for several years before that, I don’t count it as my 5th year of being a teacher (more like 8th or something). Since large International schools often hire very far in advance, it won’t be long before Justin and I have to start deciding if I should renew my contract and we stay in Beijing, or if we should move elsewhere..! Crazy as we have a whole year left here (at least!).

It’s been a very busy week so I won’t be starting my proper posts about our trips, our new apartment or the fun things we’ve already been doing since we arrived back in Beijing last week just yet. I’ll leave you with just a few of the many iphone photos I took on our trip- a little snapshot of the summer.
Which iphone photo do you like best?